Services & Events Supporting Cancer Patients Through Events and Fundraisers Services and Support P.E.A.C.E. Bags Provide essential products for patients with cancer during and or after treatment Offer physical and mental relief for those who require assistance for their initial recovery phase Distribute P.E.A.C.E. Bags to affiliate hospitals and community centers for patients Render hope to patients and their family members in a supportive measure for their mental wellness and physical challenges To serve as a community liaison for the health sector and cancer community by procuring items for patients' recuperation Annual Cancer Survivor's Day To embrace Hope, Health, and Healing To display solidarity for All Cancer Ribbons of Color To award and encourage a Cancer Survivor Recipient To celebrate the Life of Survivors and cherish the memories of transitioned loved ones Wellness & Prevention Nutrition (Balanced Meals for Everyday) "Mind / Body / Spirit" Daily Exercise with Strength and Conditioning Meditation and Relaxation Past Events